49 research outputs found

    The Weak Lefschetz Property and powers of linear forms in K[x,y,z]

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    We show that an Artinian quotient of K[x, y, z] by an ideal I generated by powers of linear forms has the Weak Lefschetz property. If the syzygy bundle of I is semistable this follows from results of Brenner-Kaid; our proof works without this hypothesis, which typically does not hold.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in PAM

    Syzygy Theorems via Comparison of Order Ideals on a Hypersurface

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    We introduce a weak order ideal property that suffices for establishing the Evans-Griffith Syzygy Theorem. We study this weak order ideal property in settings that allow for comparison between homological algebra over a local ring RR versus a hypersurface ring R/(xn)R/(x^n). Consequently we solve some relevant cases of the Evans-Griffith syzygy conjecture over local rings of unramified mixed characteristic pp, with the case of syzygies of prime ideals of Cohen-Macaulay local rings of unramified mixed characteristic being noted. We reduce the remaining considerations to modules annihilated by psp^s, s>0s>0, that have finite projective dimension over a hypersurface ring.Comment: To appear in JPA

    Course Portfolio for Math 407 Mathematics for High School Teaching: Refining Conceptual Understanding in a Mathematics Course for Pre-service Teachers

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    My intention in this portfolio is to present my approach to teaching an upper-level mathematics course for pre-service secondary level mathematics teachers. Several teaching strategies are discussed in the context of designing a coherent approach to this course, which emphasizes the need for conceptual reasoning above all other goals. These strategies are evaluated and assessed in connection to the learning outcomes using samples of student work from the course. Also presented are samples of course materials that were used to lead students through an organized discussion of the relevant concepts. These materials convey some basic mathematical knowledge and therefore may suited to other courses as well. Additionally, this portfolio includes a survey of students perceptions and attitudes towards conceptual mathematics at the beginning of the course, which can be viewed as base- line information, as well as a sample of student work production and self-reflections at the end of the curse, which establish a certain growth in confidence and abilities

    Determinants of incidence and Hessian matrices arising from the vector space lattice

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    Let V=⨆i=0nVi\mathcal{V}=\bigsqcup_{i=0}^n\mathcal{V}_i be the lattice of subspaces of the nn-dimensional vector space over the finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_q and let A\mathcal{A} be the graded Gorenstein algebra defined over Q\mathbb{Q} which has V\mathcal{V} as a Q\mathbb{Q} basis. Let FF be the Macaulay dual generator for A\mathcal{A}. We compute explicitly the Hessian determinant ∣∂2F∂Xi∂Xj∣|\frac{\partial ^2F}{\partial X_i \partial X_j}| evaluated at the point X1=X2=⋯=XN=1X_1 = X_2 = \cdots = X_N=1 and relate it to the determinant of the incidence matrix between V1\mathcal{V}_1 and Vn−1\mathcal{V}_{n-1}. Our exploration is motivated by the fact that both of these matrices arise naturally in the study of the Sperner property of the lattice and the Lefschetz property for the graded Artinian Gorenstein algebra associated to it

    Syzygies and singularities of tensor product surfaces of bidegree (2,1)

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    Let U be a basepoint free four-dimensional subspace of the space of sections of O(2,1) on P^1 x P^1. The sections corresponding to U determine a regular map p_U: P^1 x P^1 --> P^3. We study the associated bigraded ideal I_U in k[s,t;u,v] from the standpoint of commutative algebra, proving that there are exactly six numerical types of possible bigraded minimal free resolution. These resolutions play a key role in determining the implicit equation of the image p_U(P^1 x P^1), via work of Buse-Jouanolou, Buse-Chardin, Botbol and Botbol-Dickenstein-Dohm on the approximation complex. In four of the six cases I_U has a linear first syzygy; remarkably from this we obtain all differentials in the minimal free resolution. In particular this allows us to describe the implicit equation and singular locus of the image.Comment: 35 pages 1 figur